What has been the solid foundation of 21st century?
What would be the most potent aspect of our future, 22nd, 220th, 2200th century?
'Technology' and 'humanism,' perhaps, supposed by Michael Dertouzos,' We made a big mistake 300 years ago when we separated technology and humanism. ... It's time to put the two back together.'
(Scientific American, July 1997).
To me, fashion is a tool for myself to demonstrate personal science and technology research on human figures. As a knitwear designer, I am also highly proficient in CG design and accessories design. I explored my design concept through the surface, volume, detail & cut. Although my design aesthetic is conceptual, I am also a very adaptable designer and gained several internship experiences from the industry.
Critical thinking and system analysis method has been the primary virtue that supports my study as a coder at the same time. These experiences led me to the conscious of professional spirit as well as provided me an acute awareness of the latest modern technique. Being a piano amateur for 20 years, I founded midi and digital music production skills. Such underlay of the fine art knowledge supported the cultural context of my designs.
I am a fast learner who always has a positive mindset and keen to embrace new knowledge and technique. With such a philosophy of work, I just started the research within parametric design possibilities in the fashion industry. I gained the diploma of Master Parametric Design from Rhino Fablab in December 2019 with A level.
Decentralization is modern liberalism to me nowadays. In my belief, the future of outstanding leadership in the creative industry is a decentralized-connected group of designers, technicians, and manufacturers. Interactions should happen directly between creators and equipment without manual conversion. Any point along the process of a design should be able to be visited without long-time dating. With the informatics technology I am holding, I wish to explore more on structures and working flows theoretically towards the horizon.
As now you have found me, I would present you my journey. Please check out the website, then probably join me as a TRAVELLER.